Session 12 – Liposuction for Lipedema 2: Technical Considerations (Video)
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Session 12 Liposuction for Lipedema 2: Technical Considerations
Representatives Talk Valeria Giordano (LIO Lipedema Italia)
LIPLEG: Update on a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing CDT Alone and Liposuction for Lipedema Maximilian Kovacs (Darmstadt, Germany)
Lymph Vessel Sparing Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction for Lymphedema and Lipedema Surgical Treatment Corrado Cesare Campisi (Genoa, Italy)
Liposuction Techniques for Achieving Better Cosmetic and Lipedema Symptom Improvement Thomas Su (Tampa, USA)
Initial stages: the forgotten patients. Tricks and tips for diagnosis and surgery Enrique Burgos (Madrid, Spain)
To WAL or not to WAL – Surgical treatment of lipedema: A single center retrospective data analysis Ashwin Reddy (Porsgrunn, Norway)
Lipedema Surgery, Combining Multiple Technologies: When And Where? Agostino Bruno (Rome, Italy)
A Comprehensive Analysis of Liposuction with Tumescent Anesthesia – Results and Lessons Learned Uwe Wollina (Dresden, Germany)
Use of the ONE STEP laser in the Lipedema surgical treatment protocol Patricia Henriques Lyra Frasson (Vitória, Brazil)
Thermoguided technique of lipolysis and skin retraction with diode laser on lipedema patients Fabio Kamamoto (São Paulo, Brazil)
Operation Lipedema – Critical experience report of a lipedema clinic with > 1000 operations per year. Where do we stand surgically? Frank Labschies (Berlin, Germany)