Please note that all lectures and poster presentations will be recorded and subsequently made available to health professionals and patients.
The official language for the congress and presentations is English.

Formatting instructions

For your presentation, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation in 16:9 format. Please be aware that the use of personal laptops is not foreseen, and if necessary, should be arranged in advance. Your presentation should be submitted on a USB stick no later than 60 minutes before the start of the session for media check and testing. IBM-compatible PCs with PowerPoint will be available and can be used to share your presentation.
Deletion of the file after the presentation is guaranteed.

Speaking Time

We kindly ask that you adhere to the indicated length of your presentation to ensure fairness to all presenters.


The discussion after each presentation is an open forum for all attendees to speak and ask questions. Every participant will be requested to introduce themselves with their name and nationality. Microphones will be located in the aisles for this purpose.

Speaker Ready Room / Media Check

The Speaker Ready Room is in the Fachtagungsraum 0.217.

If you have any question,
feel free to contact us

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